
Mostrando las entradas de 2021

If the beauty is a weapon, be ready to get shot

 If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that always are loaded and ready to shoot. Some women are like firearms: A little scary to the touch but without any doubt, exciting.  Others are like knives: Sharp y they disarm you in a second meanewhile you still thinking where came from that move wich leaved you naked (body and soul)  If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that always have one finger on the trigger and one eye on the sight. Some women are stealthy and deadly, they're not afraid of eliminate the problem quickly, like a band aid and without remorse, like a weapon silencer.  Others, screams at the top of their lungs, with violence, in a cathartic way almost poetic, like a machine gun. Everything that they keep quiet and hold inside of themselves.  If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that with their simple presence could aniquilate whoever their propose.  Some women make you fell in love with their sweetness and when the least you think, ZAS! Yo

Between power and passion, there's me

 Power , from the vulgar Latin of "potere" or "posse" . 1. Authority to command, dominate or influence others. 2. Being able to master a situation or face the difficulties that a thing or person offers. Passion , from the Latin "passio" , from the etymological family of "suffer". 1. Vehement feeling, capable of dominating the will and disturbing reason, such as intense love, hatred, jealousy or anger. 2. Live hobby or inclination for someone or something.  It's said that to have power you have to be cold, calculating and distant. Have clear goals and stay one step ahead of others, such as meeting someone's gaze directly; fearless, intense and persevering. It's said that to the passion you have to be fire in your veins, be one with our emotions and not be scared to get burn, like transform yourself into a volcano that walks; risky, impulsive, direct. The power it's the reason, the passion it's the heart. Those who want power m

If you have to ask it's because you already know?

 Taking a risk when the probabilities that something gone right are high it's exciting, even adrenalitic. Now right, in the situation when there's 50/50 of posibilities it doesen't look like a good idea if the lost it's too big or too deep.  "Do it and if you're scared, do it with scare", say the voice of the conscious. "What's the worst it could happen?", inquire. We all know that we already have the "no" but we're afraid to confirm that thing which can leave us a scar, which can leave us in an emotional coma. The human beign protect theirself but never stop being curious and whant to solve all the questions that cross their mind. Thinking the situation as: "I have 2 options: agonize in my anxiety or deal with what's happening". It is logic, but between there to take the first step and make uncomfortable questions, there's an ocean in the middle.  We make list of "pro and cons" about what implies ma

The parenting through the daughter eyes

 Socially we grow up with the idea that our parents are unconditionals. Human beings with limitless love and which they're gonna be by our side in every step that we made, cheering us up, getting us up and pushing us for more.  Nothing prepare us to the horrible wall of reality when it hits up so hard that we have sequels for years. And here I want to blame to the 90s and their thousands of millions of romantic comedies that hypnotized our mothers to make them believed that everything was that perfect and solved that simple. These glouriuous years grab our mother's head and shaked so bad that when they fell in love, saw the beautiful packaging and not the future potencial (negativly speaking) of whom it was gonna be the father of their child.  Today we meet the twentysomething, the fruit of that love, covered in traumas. From overstressing to immense fear of abandonment, we can play bingo with ourselfs and full the cardboard in less than 3 minutes. Maybe the heat of the deca

The construction of our enemies: the anxiety and the expectations

Almost every people we have some type of rutine that makes our daily life something less desorganizated. Constantly we're discarding some and incorporating new ones, wich makes our rutine incorporate dynamism. The question is this, ¿what happens when in our rutine or custom, a persons joins and expectatiosn appear with them?  Although the expectations are own because each one is in charge of build the other in our imagination, and not only that, idealizing everything they can be and do.  I also believe that the other make a deal on keep buildin that castle of ideas, words and feelings. If you usually see someone a couple of days a week and you talk almost daily, but suddenly communication is tense and cold and uncertainty appears when you do not know what is happening,  it's the fault of who makes the expectations of that relationship or there's equialy because in a relationship there are at least two partes involved? Creating expectations is dangerous but sometimes, unavoi

The green light, the racing heart and the dead butterflies

 Sometimes I wonder to myself things that not are actually happening right now to me, but for some reason, they're loud in my brain. So, what's to be in love? It's the feelling of inmensity that you have when you're in the city of your dreams? That feeling that you can't explain. You feel so big, I mean, bigger than your body. Like you're 200ft tall and everything arounds you is too small. The feeling of being sourounded by an aura, a light different to other moments and people. Like you're glowing, is that?  So, what's to be in love? It's the single tear that you drop when you, I don't know... When you understand that maybe you fall for the right person? That you are with the right person. So, what's to be in love? Tell me, cause I wanna know. Is the feeling, I mean, the opposite feeling of when you have a heartbroken and you feel all your bones break, a hole in your chest and everything is so heavy that you can't walk, talk and almost

In the name of Jane Austen, stop romanticizing toxic love

 En mis jóvenes años de adolescencia, lamentablemente (o por suerte), he sido víctima de las tan ansiosas y maravillosas "novelas juveniles". De todas las que he leído, hay 3 en las cuales no puedo dejar de pensar; 50 Shades Of Grey, After y Beautiful Disaster. Hay quienes jugaban en el equipo "After" contra quienes jugaban al equipo "Beautiful Disaster". 50OG ni siquiera era comentador del partido, pero unos años luego quizá lograría ser al menos árbitro. Estas maravillosas novelas tenían los mismo factores en común; la dulce e ingenua muchacha que comienza (o está en) la universidad, el muchacho problemático que rompe corazones -y todo lo que haya a su paso-, el primer encuentro poco convencional, la virginidad de la protagonista y como él se la quita, los problemas emocionales de él que conllevan a que ella se aleje y entre tires y aflojes, hay una redención de su parte lo cual hace que ella vuelva a sus brazos. Suena familiar, ¿no? Las 3 novelas son ex

Año nuevo, ¿mismas expectativas?

Ya estamos a 16 días del 2021 y la gran mayoría de las personas aún están esperando ese "cambio de año". Una de las mayores frases que he escuchado en menos de 20 días ha sido: "Es como seguir en el 2020, como si fuera el mes número 13". Es comprensible si en julio del 2020 teníamos expectativas de que la pandemia acabara en 2021, pero me resultó desconcertante seguir escuchando que esperaban un cambio para el 2021 a 3 días de cambiar de año. Entonces, la pregunta: ¿La expectativa de un año diferente es real o es una forma de escapar de todo lo que nos ha quitado el 2020? A mi parecer, deberíamos esperar lo peor, o ni siquiera eso, deberíamos no tener expectativas. Soy fiel creyente que en ciertas  situaciones es mejor dejarse sorprender que vivir una completa desilusión que nosotros mismos creamos. Este 2021 de verdad no espero menos que aquello que nos dio el 2020; clases virtuales, estrés hasta la nariz, litros y litros de café, PDFs por todos lados y videollamad