Between power and passion, there's me

 Power, from the vulgar Latin of "potere" or "posse".

1. Authority to command, dominate or influence others.

2. Being able to master a situation or face the difficulties that a thing or person offers.

Passion, from the Latin "passio", from the etymological family of "suffer".

1. Vehement feeling, capable of dominating the will and disturbing reason, such as intense love, hatred, jealousy or anger.

2. Live hobby or inclination for someone or something. 

It's said that to have power you have to be cold, calculating and distant. Have clear goals and stay one step ahead of others, such as meeting someone's gaze directly; fearless, intense and persevering. It's said that to the passion you have to be fire in your veins, be one with our emotions and not be scared to get burn, like transform yourself into a volcano that walks; risky, impulsive, direct. The power it's the reason, the passion it's the heart. Those who want power measure themselves, those who want passion surrender and it is inevitable to think of them as opposites.

Between power and passion, there's me. 

Some are blessed with amitions (the power of being in the top, be the best in our professional field), others are blessed with so many warm in the veins tahat could move a mountain just with a look, others we're blessed with both. 

In theory, we analyze, make schemes, binders, and plan. In practice, we do it, we are loud, flashy, we embrace the vastness of space simply by being in the place.

Wanting power and being passionate is dangerous, it means that we will do everything in our power to achieve a goal. We negotiate like lawyers with the eyes of a murderer. When something is in our head, the meticulous side is active, Observing all possible scenarios and when the moment comes, we take a leap worthy of a professional diver at the Olympics: We jump even with fear mobilized by a sensation of adrenaline that makes us want to fall in the best position taking us home the highest score. 

Between power and passion, there's me. 

Someone who can feel how the heat expands through the body and look at you in a way that even Medusa would respect. Passion sometimes betrayed us but at the same time, throw us to the necessary void of reality and life. Too much distance it desconect you, too much closeness it burns you alive. 

Between power and passion, there's me. Somebody who gives everything and wants to win everything. 


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