
Adults are talking

 What's to confront your parents? It's put yourself in a position, not as a daughter/son -or any pronoun that you use- but as peer adults.  Confrontation it's never easy and almost always necessary. It's that boiling point when the air gets moist and any material near its melted. It's a body tired of making excuses and swallow venom made by words and actions from whom it's suposed to protect us from the world and help us grow.  Confront our parents it doesn't implied to spit the chewed venom but implied say all the things tha they need to hear, no matter how raw and painful it is. Implied leave the nice words because "im your daughter/son, how can i dare myself to tell them that?" and put boundaries. There comes a point at in the life when in some situations we transform ourself into the parents of our parents and we not only see al the mistakes they making ut we must use the word "NO" , put up a barrier, an space, a  distance.  Confronta

About four walls and the same air: discovering another human

 Coexistence ; something we experience at least once in our life. A portal for self-discovery and the rediscovery of the other. Coexistence can be a double-edged sword. In the worst case , two incompatible, demanding or suffocating personalities collide. Our worst habits come to light, the worst version of our personality and make an unbreakable relationship, something broken and rotten. But in the best of cases ... Support is found, you know the other in their small habits and routines - and you can even find yourself fascinated by them -, you see the other person in their most vulnerable, most human and most sensitive way. Some gatherings are not planned, they simply arise at the moment and are the perfect opportunity to experience oneself and the other. Living together is sharing, it is understanding, listening, trusting. It's not for everyone, but taking a test can clarify whether a person may or may not be part of something bigger than brief moments. Some keys to know if you a

Lover, leaver, taker but above all... Believer

 I'm a believer, but not in a catholic way. I'm that type of believer who doesn't believe in God but believes in some superior force that helps us get what we want/need -something like believing in the universe or manifesting- I feel it more like an intuition (idealize or manifest? Only one has a good ending). I always trust or believe in "causality" more than "casuality" perhaps because in my reflection I fit the pieces together and I am amazed at how different things would have been if it weren't for one detail. I'm a believer that what "belongs to you" finds you. A believer that 2 people cross paths for something and if there is a reunion after months/years, you have to pay special attention to that. Maybe I'm too naive, maybe I live in my own religion or maybe we should believe in something given the circumstances of our reality. But I can't help it, I'm a believer in causality and the 6th senses that shake our stomachs

Sometimes the simplest things are the most that I like

 I like to see you asleep but not in a creepy way, just wake up in the middle of the night - or daytime - and look at yourself in your simplest form, contemplate your features and slowly go back to sleep. I like to see you do what you like the most, what you are passionate about and what you are. You have a different glow, something special, mixed with a relaxation that cannot always be seen in a person. The commitment and hard work behind to progress and improve yourself is evident. I like to hear you laugh and I wish I could do it more often. It's one of those catchy sounds -and to be sincere-, one of the most beautiful that I heard in a long time. Sometimes I keep it on my memory just to remember the happiness of the moment. I like to hear you say "I like you" or "I miss you" because your way of say it is so private, so just for me, even cautelous. Your tone to say it it's always so deep, like you don't want that I forget it.  I like to see you w

If the beauty is a weapon, be ready to get shot

 If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that always are loaded and ready to shoot. Some women are like firearms: A little scary to the touch but without any doubt, exciting.  Others are like knives: Sharp y they disarm you in a second meanewhile you still thinking where came from that move wich leaved you naked (body and soul)  If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that always have one finger on the trigger and one eye on the sight. Some women are stealthy and deadly, they're not afraid of eliminate the problem quickly, like a band aid and without remorse, like a weapon silencer.  Others, screams at the top of their lungs, with violence, in a cathartic way almost poetic, like a machine gun. Everything that they keep quiet and hold inside of themselves.  If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that with their simple presence could aniquilate whoever their propose.  Some women make you fell in love with their sweetness and when the least you think, ZAS! Yo

Between power and passion, there's me

 Power , from the vulgar Latin of "potere" or "posse" . 1. Authority to command, dominate or influence others. 2. Being able to master a situation or face the difficulties that a thing or person offers. Passion , from the Latin "passio" , from the etymological family of "suffer". 1. Vehement feeling, capable of dominating the will and disturbing reason, such as intense love, hatred, jealousy or anger. 2. Live hobby or inclination for someone or something.  It's said that to have power you have to be cold, calculating and distant. Have clear goals and stay one step ahead of others, such as meeting someone's gaze directly; fearless, intense and persevering. It's said that to the passion you have to be fire in your veins, be one with our emotions and not be scared to get burn, like transform yourself into a volcano that walks; risky, impulsive, direct. The power it's the reason, the passion it's the heart. Those who want power m

If you have to ask it's because you already know?

 Taking a risk when the probabilities that something gone right are high it's exciting, even adrenalitic. Now right, in the situation when there's 50/50 of posibilities it doesen't look like a good idea if the lost it's too big or too deep.  "Do it and if you're scared, do it with scare", say the voice of the conscious. "What's the worst it could happen?", inquire. We all know that we already have the "no" but we're afraid to confirm that thing which can leave us a scar, which can leave us in an emotional coma. The human beign protect theirself but never stop being curious and whant to solve all the questions that cross their mind. Thinking the situation as: "I have 2 options: agonize in my anxiety or deal with what's happening". It is logic, but between there to take the first step and make uncomfortable questions, there's an ocean in the middle.  We make list of "pro and cons" about what implies ma