About four walls and the same air: discovering another human

 Coexistence; something we experience at least once in our life. A portal for self-discovery and the rediscovery of the other. Coexistence can be a double-edged sword. In the worst case, two incompatible, demanding or suffocating personalities collide.

Our worst habits come to light, the worst version of our personality and make an unbreakable relationship, something broken and rotten.

But in the best of cases... Support is found, you know the other in their small habits and routines - and you can even find yourself fascinated by them -, you see the other person in their most vulnerable, most human and most sensitive way. Some gatherings are not planned, they simply arise at the moment and are the perfect opportunity to experience oneself and the other.

Living together is sharing, it is understanding, listening, trusting. It's not for everyone, but taking a test can clarify whether a person may or may not be part of something bigger than brief moments. Some keys to know if you are going through a good coexistence is, for a moment, simply focus on feeling; if you are comfortable, at ease, distressed or wanting to flee. If you feel serenity when you wake up for the 3rd time with the same person, if you wait for the moment that follows "good morning" or that key hour - which you learned what it is - to chat, hug, prepare food or any other type of routine that you have developed.

Feeling, that's what sharing our space and time with another is all about. The good thing about experimenting is that it can always be repeated in the short, medium or long term. With new challenges and responsibilities, letting ourselves go and trusting the other, opening the way to new things that are more important, more serious, more fun or more fulfilling.

Coexistence is also learning that we all have our light and dark parts, that we are a set of good and bad experiences and a good coexistence is feeling comfortable and free to talk about it or to ask the other about it. Living with someone is feeling at home, in a safe place without prejudice. It is understanding that not every day will be good, but that at the end of them we will always have someone to tell them what happened to us, to find comfort, take a deep breath and feel calm.

Living together, in the end, is letting others in and asking permission to occupy a place, not only physical but emotional. It is letting the other want us there and for us not to find an excuse to leave.


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