Sometimes the simplest things are the most that I like

 I like to see you asleep but not in a creepy way, just wake up in the middle of the night - or daytime - and look at yourself in your simplest form, contemplate your features and slowly go back to sleep. I like to see you do what you like the most, what you are passionate about and what you are. You have a different glow, something special, mixed with a relaxation that cannot always be seen in a person. The commitment and hard work behind to progress and improve yourself is evident.

I like to hear you laugh and I wish I could do it more often. It's one of those catchy sounds -and to be sincere-, one of the most beautiful that I heard in a long time. Sometimes I keep it on my memory just to remember the happiness of the moment. I like to hear you say "I like you" or "I miss you" because your way of say it is so private, so just for me, even cautelous. Your tone to say it it's always so deep, like you don't want that I forget it. 

I like to see you with your friends and family. You relax completely and let yourself be yourself; funny, loving, even a partner in crime if need be. And saying this, I like that you make me a part of your life in this way, allowing me to take a look at your world and your people.

I like that you drink from my glass without asking in a restaurant. You take the freedom and trust to use my things knowing that I'm not gonna be offended, like those people that know each other from years and know the tricks from the other one. I like that you look for me asleep, even if we're in 2 different ends of the bed, next to each other or with a heat of a thousand hells. Your unconscious wants me close and demands that I wrap you in my arms. 

I like that we have similar plans from the future, even when the time it's not in our side. It makes me truly  and deeply believe that this is just our first meet, because I know, so don't forget about me. I like that you feel comfortable enough to step by step be open and tell me your history, that you feel free of prejudice and let me know yourself. 

I like it when you tell me that I have a nice smell or when you ask me about my perfume, just as I like it when you tell me "I was doing something and suddenly ... your smell appears" -or something similar to my smell-. I like to know that sometimes I appear in your mind -and I wonder if you think about my features, my expressions and my being-. I also like it when you realize that my hair is a little different from other days or you make me notice that something fits me well -and you explore it as trying to recognize the texture and the secret underneath it-.

I like it when you look at my moles, count them and recognize them. Just as I like that now you kiss me holding my face, brushing my ears and touching the back of my neck. It's deeper, more desperate -as if you couldn't be a second further from my lips-, more conected. 

I like to like you in every sense of the word and I could list a thousand more things than I like about you but it could not be fair with my attempt at mystery and my intention to know if you have looked at me, heard or contemplated without being aware of it.


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