El egoísmo de amar(se)

Entre cicatrices y hoyuelos, ahí crecía el amor.
Entre celulitis y estrías, ahí se curaba el dolor.
Entre un extremo y el otro, ahí estaba la sanación.

Manchas, cicatrices, celulitis, pozos, marcas de guerra de quienes fuimos y quienes somos.

Destapate, revelate, enfrentate y amate, a quien no le guste que se tape los ojos.
Tanto has llorado, tanto lo has intentado. Hoy tu amor propio es tan grande como un bosque e indestructible como el tiempo mismo que te llevó estar acá.

Practicas la confianza, le rezas al respeto y prendes una vela por cada vez que tu cuerpo te agradece el amor que le das.
Rechazas el pecado de la humillación, castigas a aquellos que predican como debe ser el cuerpo de una persona según sus normas y los mandas a confesar sobre sus propias inseguridades.

Un altar, un trono y un ser espiritual, en todo eso te convertiste.

Te convertiste en mito, en leyenda, en historiadora y predicadora.
Tocaste terrenos físicos y espirituales buscando tu sabiduría y salvación.
Tocaste el cielo y el suelo, convirtiéndote en dueña de tu verdad y amor.

Hoy sos un ser inigualable con la lección mas importante que dar:

Debemos ser egoístas y amarnos mas que el resto.   


Between scars and dimples, there grew love.
Between cellulitis and stretch marks, there the pain healed.
Between one extreme and the other, there was the healing.

Stains, scars, cellulite, wells, war marks of who we were and who we are.

Uncover it, reveal it, deal it and love you, who doesn't like can cover their eyes.
You have cried so much, you have tried so hard. Today your love it's big like a forest and indestructible as the time itself that took you to be here.

You practice to the confidence, pray to the respect and you light a candle for each time your body thanks you for the love you give it.
You refuse to the sin of humiliation, punish those who preach as a person's body should be according to their standards and send them to confess about their own insecurities.

An altar, a throne and a spiritual being, in all that you became.

You became in a myth, a legend, a historian and a preacher.
You touch physics and spiritual lands looking for your wisdom and healing.
You touch the sky and the ground, becoming in the owner of your truth and love.

Today you're an inigualable being with the most important lesson to give:

We have to be selfish and love ourselves more than the rest. 


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