
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2021

If the beauty is a weapon, be ready to get shot

 If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that always are loaded and ready to shoot. Some women are like firearms: A little scary to the touch but without any doubt, exciting.  Others are like knives: Sharp y they disarm you in a second meanewhile you still thinking where came from that move wich leaved you naked (body and soul)  If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that always have one finger on the trigger and one eye on the sight. Some women are stealthy and deadly, they're not afraid of eliminate the problem quickly, like a band aid and without remorse, like a weapon silencer.  Others, screams at the top of their lungs, with violence, in a cathartic way almost poetic, like a machine gun. Everything that they keep quiet and hold inside of themselves.  If the beauty is a weapon, there are some women that with their simple presence could aniquilate whoever their propose.  Some women make you fell in love with their sweetness and when the least you think, ZAS! Yo

Between power and passion, there's me

 Power , from the vulgar Latin of "potere" or "posse" . 1. Authority to command, dominate or influence others. 2. Being able to master a situation or face the difficulties that a thing or person offers. Passion , from the Latin "passio" , from the etymological family of "suffer". 1. Vehement feeling, capable of dominating the will and disturbing reason, such as intense love, hatred, jealousy or anger. 2. Live hobby or inclination for someone or something.  It's said that to have power you have to be cold, calculating and distant. Have clear goals and stay one step ahead of others, such as meeting someone's gaze directly; fearless, intense and persevering. It's said that to the passion you have to be fire in your veins, be one with our emotions and not be scared to get burn, like transform yourself into a volcano that walks; risky, impulsive, direct. The power it's the reason, the passion it's the heart. Those who want power m

If you have to ask it's because you already know?

 Taking a risk when the probabilities that something gone right are high it's exciting, even adrenalitic. Now right, in the situation when there's 50/50 of posibilities it doesen't look like a good idea if the lost it's too big or too deep.  "Do it and if you're scared, do it with scare", say the voice of the conscious. "What's the worst it could happen?", inquire. We all know that we already have the "no" but we're afraid to confirm that thing which can leave us a scar, which can leave us in an emotional coma. The human beign protect theirself but never stop being curious and whant to solve all the questions that cross their mind. Thinking the situation as: "I have 2 options: agonize in my anxiety or deal with what's happening". It is logic, but between there to take the first step and make uncomfortable questions, there's an ocean in the middle.  We make list of "pro and cons" about what implies ma