
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2021

The green light, the racing heart and the dead butterflies

 Sometimes I wonder to myself things that not are actually happening right now to me, but for some reason, they're loud in my brain. So, what's to be in love? It's the feelling of inmensity that you have when you're in the city of your dreams? That feeling that you can't explain. You feel so big, I mean, bigger than your body. Like you're 200ft tall and everything arounds you is too small. The feeling of being sourounded by an aura, a light different to other moments and people. Like you're glowing, is that?  So, what's to be in love? It's the single tear that you drop when you, I don't know... When you understand that maybe you fall for the right person? That you are with the right person. So, what's to be in love? Tell me, cause I wanna know. Is the feeling, I mean, the opposite feeling of when you have a heartbroken and you feel all your bones break, a hole in your chest and everything is so heavy that you can't walk, talk and almost